An online International Conference – An Exploration of Women Empowerment in IWE: Novel and Drama conducted on 13th August 2023 felicitated by Prof. M. Amalraj, Assistant Professor of English PRIST University, Thanjavur. The event organized by Mrs. K. Sunanda and hosted by Ms. Hariya Rose.
Women Empowerment in IWE:
The event begun with the grace of Almighty and proceeded by the welcome address by the event organizer.
The conference on women characters and the themes portrayed in Indian Writings in English. The book embarks on a compelling journey through the rich tapestry of Indian literature, focusing on novels and dramas that have played a pivotal role in shaping the discourse surrounding women’s rights and their place in society. It offers a nuanced exploration of key literary works, drawing attention to the diverse voices and narratives that have emerged from within IWE. The themes given revolves around various aspects of women’s life and struggles, obstacles, restrictions she faces in her life time. Students from various Colleges and Universities took part in the conference including Idhaya College for Women, SASTRA Deemed University, Madras Christian College, etc.

Prof. M. Amalraj has excellence in English Language and literary works. He is an English professor, Editor, research scholar and author. He has worked as Assistant Professor, Principal and Lecturer. He is a passionate researcher whose works are mainly on the world history, women empowerment and literary explorations. He has published three book chapters. He has also conducted seminars, Faculty Development Programs, conferences, workshops on National and International levels. Also, participated in other such events. He has trained many students in research field and had been a great guidance and motivation to them. He has great expertise in the field of literature which is the cause of his love and respect towards it.
Presentation by the students:

The students presented their paper perfectly setting forth their analysis and scrutinization. It was a great moment for the students to explore each other’s ideas and views. They highlighted the areas that needs women empowerment and argued their research. Diverse views, perspectives and theories are explicitly conveyed through their presentation.
The Best Presenters

The Book – An Exploration of Women Empowerment in IWE: Novel and Drama

An Exploration of Women Empowerment in IWE: Novel and Drama